
[sau]Sage marine system online manual

Welcome to the [sau]Sage marine system online manual. The concept of this system was inspired by modern video games. We want this system easy to use for everybody even those people who never driven a boat in SL or RL before.

Quick start:

-Sit on the driver's seat of your boat to start
-Press W or forward button to speed up. Press S or backward button to slow down.
-When sitting, you can click the seat to adjust poses/animations, positions for each passenger.
-Click [Everybody Drive][Owner Drive][Group Drive] in the menu to switch permissions.
-Click [E-brake] or Press C to active the emergency brake which stops your boat instantly.
-Click [Textures] to change textures for your boat.
-Click [LightsOn][LightsOff] to switch lights.
-Click [Camera] to choose from different camera presets.
-Click [BobOn][BobOff] to switch bobbing/rocking effect for your boat.
-Click [Text All][Text Some][Text Off] to switch current thrust notice mode.
-To receive update, find any Caspervend redelivery terminal, use redelivery feature for getting latest version of your product.

Congratulations! You can enjoy your boat now! But if you want to know some detailed information. Please continue to read:


12th Jul 2024
-Fully updated graphic engine, supports PBR Hybrid themes

8th Aug 2018
-Adjusted permission system , now [Everybody Drive][Owner Drive][Group Drive] works for all menu options
-When avatar left the boat, the bobbing/rocking is on by default
-Automatically load camera when driving.

2nd Aug 2018
-Added Camera system to let you select from different camera presets.
-Added Light system for lighting effects.
-Added Nose-up feature.
-Bobbing/rocking can be turn on/off now. Rotating when parking bug has been fixed.

18th July 2018
-You can use C for emergency brake now.
-You can switch from 3 different thrust notice mode (OFF/ Only tells when 50% and 100%thrust/ Telling current thrust all the time. )
-The graphic system supports more textures now so there will be more texture in future :P

Detailed information:

-This system use cruise control only which means you don't have to press button all the time. Driving boats is a bit different to the ground vehicles. In most case you may want chat with friends etc when driving in open water. which means tap and go is the easiest way to enjoy your driving experience.

-The max speed for each boat is around 100~300 for example, every time you press W or forward, it increase by 1~3.  Since keyboard doesn't have pressure detection, the thrust is related to how long time you press and hold the button. You can still press and hold W or forward to speed up quickly. If you want drive boat slowly, give it a tap instead, or if you want it really slowly, tell me and I can adjust for you.

-When you slow down, you need to press or hold the S or backward button. When the thrust reached zero, you need to press S or backward button again to start reversing.
Please note thrust = zero doesn't means the boat stops all movement since friction of water is there. This is designed to like this to simulate realistic boating.
If you want stop the boat instantly, use E-brake from menu or press C instead.

-The boat doesn't tells you its current thrust all the time since a lot of chats will floods your nearby chat. So we designed the boat only tell you when thrust is 0, 50%, 100% and reverse. Now you can switch from 3 different thrust notice modes.

-It doesn't have gears since the "gears" in SL is mostly just a speed limiter. But we'll review your feedback and may add it in future.

-The [sau]Sage marine system is still a baby now and we want make it grow up to the tough guy or beautiful women you wanted in future. This system is actively developing, more features and adjustments are coming. So please keep an eye on this page.

-Lite version and Full version:
Lite version is only for events, it's affordable to all customers, but there are some reasons for its low pricing, It usually have single texture and animation/pose only, and no future update, no customer support unless there's a critical issue or payment issues. But hey that doesn't means lite versions are bad. It still uses the latest version of this system.

-Feedbacks, advises, your opinion, your voice:
These are very very very welcomed. But please, actual opinions please, these will make the whole system better and better.

Thanks for reading this online manual. Hope you enjoy our boats scripted by [sau]Sage marine system, have a nice day!
