Anthem event:
In this gacha you'll get drones and hoverboards as regular prize, and the 2k77[Mirage], 2k77[electronic], the futuristic cars as rare prize. The whole gacha is inspired by some classic movies we all loved and an upcoming famous game all cyberpunk fans are waiting for.
Prize List:
Prize List:

[sau]Drone[1~25]: The animesh personal drone attachment (also rezzable)
Comes with unrigged holster which allowing
drones fly and landing directly on avatar
80 seconds of looped smooth animation

[sau]Hoverboard[lite][1~25]: Rideable hoverboards, fully animated, animated glow bar. Perfect physic shape, hide-able shadow, Single user. 5 Land impact each.

[sau]2k77[Mirage]: The cyberpunk style futuristic car inspired from the upcoming game that everybody wanted. Please note it's not 100% same to the game, the whole interior, some parts here and there, the paintjob are originally designed.
Driveable(of course) and tunable, with custom made sound set, animation and special effect, resize-able, fully material enabled. 20 Land impact.

The alternative version of [sau]2k77 with a big drone mounted on its top. You can let the drone fly and landing from the car if you own and attached [sau]Drone[2k77]
The car-mounted drone for [sau]2k77[Electronic]. You can let the drone fly and landing from the car if you own and attached [sau]Drone[2k77]. Otherwise you can rezz this drone on the ground and use as decoration.
All of stuffs comes as exchanger. They are no copy/no modify/transferable before exchanging to prizes. And most items are copy/modify/no transferable after exchange.
It's very simple to use: Rezz them to our front desk and it's done.
This method allows you give away/resell no transfer items and has been well tested.
You can check all prizes in-world.
This gacha is fair play as aways. We promise there is no cheating. All normal items and rare items has the same chance to get.
Both gacha machines are totally same, just in case too many customers using it at the same time.
Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/sau/128/128/0
Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/17260
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/149739560@N05/
Flickr group pool: https://www.flickr.com/groups/2172327@N24/pool/
[sau]Online troubleshooters/FAQ: http://www.nirmcbride.com/2012/12/saufaq.html
[sau]New releases: http://www.nirmcbride.com/2018/04/new-releases.html
Emergency mail address: NiR-illusion@hotmail.com