Physically Based Damage System
Basic concept:
HE deals higher damage than AP
AP can penetrate armors and hurt the core directly
Missiles deals huge HE damage but has long reload time
Keep update to the latest version is always recommended. (You can use any caspervend redelivery terminal to get the update)
Current PBDS enabled products:
[sau]LT-01 Light Tank 1.5.1
//Autocannon HE/AP shells
//2 Pack guided missile, deals heavy HE damage against vehicles.
//Front/Left/Right/Turret armored , Can be destroyed.
[sau]KANZAKI[Combat] 1.0
//Small vehicle mounted guided missile, deals heavy HE damage against vehicles.
//Fast, swift, but low durability, Can be destroyed.
[sau]TIAS Weapon station 2.0:
//Guided indirect artillery mortars deals heavy HE damage against almost everything.
//Shoots 4 shells at once and you can even rezz more of them, however, it requires some skills to hit.
//Can be destroyed.
[SAC] RPG-7 Rocket Launcher /[SAC] SMAW Launcher
//Deals HE/AP damage
//Effectively against most vehicles. However, since it's unguided, it requires some skills to hit.
[SAC] M107A1 AMR
//Anti materiel sniper rifle deals AP damage to light armored vehicles.
//Heavy armored vehicles will requires tricky angle to deal damage effectively.